My “Why”

Last year, I had a grand epiphany that I needed to begin writing a blog.

It is almost a year later, and the blog has never really begun. 

I’ve asked myself, “Why did I not follow through?” There are so many reasons and excuses I could give. Ultimately, I think there are two main reasons: 1. I didn’t have a strong “why.” 2. I was afraid to fail.

Let me address #1:

I never really got to the heart of my “why” or reason for starting a blog last year, so here it is: 

I want to use the skills that God has blessed me with. I want to put them to good use in a way that will be glorifying to Him.

Now, #2:

Failure. I had never felt the feeling of being afraid to do something because I was afraid of failing until I tried starting a blog. I have been so afraid to begin and not be successful.

But, really though, what would I consider failure in this venture? When I asked myself this, I realized failure, for me, would be not starting the blog at all. 

Therefore, I am starting the blog, and if I am my only reader, that’s okay. That’s not failure. 

Let me ask you: What do you need to start with faith today?

-Revelation Living